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Selecting the Right Chemical Resistant Epoxy

Requirements for a Chemical Resistant Epoxy or Vinyl Ester

Our Epoxy and Vinyl Ester product lines has extensive uses in Chemical Containment and Chemical Resistance projects. The kind of product and systems we recommend are based on a number of factors.  First we need to know exactly what you are doing:

  1. Are you patching concrete that has been damaged already? If so what is the extent of the damage?
  2. Do you need a secondary containment coating? If so what kind of traffic (if any) will this area see? Many of our systems will handle very heavy traffic.
  3. Are there any cracks that need repairing? If so how many lineal feet of cracks are there, what is the average depth and what is the average width. Repairing the cracks is the first step in making your project water and chemical tight.
  4. Are you looking to grout tile? We have chemically resistant Epoxy Tile Grout that has excellent chemical resistance.
  5. Is there any petroleum oil saturated concrete in the area. If so we have a product for that too.
  6. Is there any moisture vapor that is being transmitted through the floor?  We have solutions for that so please bring that to our attention when you contact us.
  7. Is this in an area where Static Disruptive or Conductive materials are needed (typically only in an explosive environment or where delicate electronics must be protected from static discharge).
  8. Total square footage of area requiring Chemical Resistant Epoxy or Vinyl Ester.

Then we will need to know some specifics about the chemical you are trying to protect against:

  1. What is the specific chemical (or chemicals) that you are trying to resist against?
  2. What is the specific concentration of the chemical (or chemicals)?
  3. What is the duration of the exposure, before it will be cleaned up (if ever)?
  4. Is the exposure at an elevated temperature? If so what is that temperature, and how long will the chemicals be at this elevated temperature

If you have this information when you contact us, we can quickly help you to decide what chemical resistant system is best and most economical for you.

Here is some additional reading that might interest you.

epoxy.com logoPlease look for our logo on all our product labels.
If it does not have this logo on it, it is not an Epoxy.com Product.


Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

A Division of Epoxy Systems, Inc
A Vermont Corporation

We have products that have passed the test of time as well as the best new Systems available today.

Since 1980 - 40 years of the highest quality products

Hours: 9AM-4PM Eastern Time (6AM-1PM Pacific Time)

Closed for lunch from 12Noon to 1PM

321-206-1833  Customer Service - Ordering and Order Status
                         Katey Lambert-Fontaine, VP - Chief Operations Officer

                        Technical Support
352-533-2167  Norm Lambert, President - Technical Support Director 

352-489-1666  Accounting and Administration
                         Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO Debby Lambert, CEO, and CFO

352-489-1625   Fax line to all Departments

Copyright © 1994-2022 (providing online information about the right product for the right job for over 25 years)  EPOXY.COM a division of Epoxy Systems, Inc. - Florida and Vermont.  All rights reserved.

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