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Epoxy Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer

Epoxy.com Proudct #231


Epoxy.com Product #231 Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer   is a water based epoxy primer/sealer designed to have maximum resin penetration into concrete surfaces to provide high bond strength and adhesion. Epoxy.com Product #231 Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer   has very low odor and, therefore, can be used in occupied areas. Epoxy.com Product #231 Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer   has the ability to be applied to recently poured (green) concrete and achieve excellent adhesion. Epoxy.com Product #231 Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer   is ideal for both new and old concrete surfaces.  It is used as a primer for Epoxy.com High Build and Thin Film Coating Systems.


  • Very little odor during application.
  • Easy clean-up.
  • Fast dry and recoat time.
  • Can be used on damp/green concrete.
  • Greatly reduces probability of concrete outgassing.


  • Substrate must be above 50°F and relative humidity below 85% for proper curing.
  • Substrate must be free of dirt, waxes, curing agents and other foreign materials.


Water-borne epoxy resin.


Clean tools with xylene, lacquer thinner, or hot soapy water.


300 sq ft / gallon

2.0 DFT



Surface Preparation is the most critical portion of any successful resinous flooring system application. All substrates must be properly prepared as outlined in Epoxy.com Surface Preparation Guide.


Mix each component of Epoxy.com Product #231 Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer prior to combining in the proper mixing ratio, (2 parts Part A-Resin to 1 part Part B-Hardener by volume).  Only mix what can be used in four hours. Allow to stand 30 minutes and mix again.

Apply primer in a thin film with a short nap roller (1/4 inch nap). Do not build film of the primer, but roll out so that it soaks into the concrete. Two coats of primer may be necessary to insure uniform wetting and coverage. Second coat can be applied over wet primer after turning from cloudy to clear.


Epoxy.com Product #231 Water Emulsion Primer and Sealer can be top coated very rapidly. When primer turns clear (from milky), it is possible to apply a water based topcoat. Follow the following recoat windows:

Water based topcoat - 1-24 hours

100% solid epoxy topcoat - 6-24 hours

Solvent based topcoat - 24-36 hours


Mixing Ratio, by volume

2 parts A to 1 part B

Solids Content, by volume



<60 gm/L

Weight per Gallon, mixed

8.84 pounds

Bond strength to concrete

400-500 psi

Tensile Pull, psi

100% concrete failure


Pot Life

> 3 hours

Dry to touch

4-6 hours


6-24 hours minimum

Light Traffic

24 hours minimum

"H" Hardness
"5-H" Hardness

2 days
30 days

Proper mixing and installation is critical to the optimal success of all products.  See Installation Tips, Techdata, & MSDS for more details on our products.  Be sure to contact us with any questions and/or concerns that you have.

For more information please contact:

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